"Let’s channel our passion from thE last election cycle and use it to do constructive work that’ll have a substantial impact on society and, most importantly, glorify God."
The AND Campaign and One Race are partnering to galvanize Christians of different races, ages, and political parties all over Metro Atlanta to work on community and civic projects. ​​
The Community – Literacy Project
In parts of Metro Atlanta, 76% of elementary students tested below the proficient level for reading. We have a major literacy crisis. This issue will not be solved by any president. It must be solved by the community—by us.
Join the movement in partnering with educators and community leaders to provide tutoring for children across the metro area, helping them reach and surpass grade-level reading standards. These sessions will take place within our churches, creating a nurturing and accessible environment for learning.
The Civic Arena – Changing Policy and Laws
A diverse group of Christian leaders will join forces to identify two critical issues that require policy or legislative action. We’re creating opportunities for believers to actively participate—by visiting the state legislature and local government offices, making calls, and writing letters—to advocate for the well-being and flourishing of their communities.

our nation desperately needs a model of unity – an example of people with deep political disagreements working together for the good of their neighbors despite their differences. THE CHURCH MUST BE THAT MODEL.
Sign up below for information on upcoming projects and opportunities to engage: